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On The Set: Fucking Lesbians

"Today we are filming fucking lesbians and that's actually the title of the movie," Axel Braun, the director, informed us with a laugh. "We wanted to call it 'Fucking Dykes', but they wouldn't go for that. So we we called it 'Fucking Lesbians'"

"And 'Lipstick Lesbians' would have taken up too much room on the box," quipped his PA/lighting designer, Divad.

After last week's visit to the Hippie Land Ranch, we were unsure of what to expect when we set out to poke our nose around this particular Hustler Video production. Would we be met with a 12,000 square foot home? Swinging hipsters? Nekkid girls going at it in every possible position while saying dirty, dirty things to each other?

The answers are no, no and—thank Jeebus!—yes.

We arrived on set during the swing-shift. This changing-of-the-guard happens on almost every porn production. The incoming talent arrives shortly before the performers from the day's first scene are finished filming. We'd like to say it has something to do with creating an atmosphere of friendship and family within the adult entertainment community, but it has more to do with getting make-up and wardrobe taken care of so the shoot remains as close to on-time as possible. It's very similar to what happens in your average Starbucks when the morning "partners" are relieved by the afternoon "partners". Instead of black-shirted, green-aproned college students, you get naked, 4-inch-clear-heel-wearing hyper-sexy women. The only real difference is that their barista skills are sometimes lacking.

Looking exhausted from filming their scene ("They each came for real twice. It was intense," Axel later told us.), we thought it best to let the early performers go home and get some rest.

Lucky for us, the two ladies tagging-in for the afternoon were Angel Cassidy and Lexxi Tyler. Their opposite features—Lexxi's sporty physique and brunette locks and Angel's womanly curves and blonde tresses—made for an interesting pairing, to say the least.

Almost as interesting as this study of opposing hair colors and body types was Axel's questioning of Angel while shooting behind-the-scenes footage. Opening with, "Would you fuck an alien?" we could tell Angel had never been subject to a similar interrogation.

"Before this, the strangest question I had been asked is if I ever let anyone shit on my chest," she told us.

Prior to responding to the alien question (which variety—extraterrestrial or illegal—we never learned) Angel's phone rang. "I have to take this," she apologized. "I lost my dog and this might be someone who found him." As it turned out, the call wasn't about her lost canine, but brought good news nonetheless. Her little sister was pregnant again. "She puts out," she laughed.

Before beginning to shoot the scene, Axel made a series of small adjustments to the positioning of Angel's leg. "You see?" he asked with tongue planted firmly in cheek. "There is still some art left in pornography."

"You gotta get the girls to really go at it without really getting too much of in the middle of it," he explained. "You just want to create the energy and just let them go and just follow them through the motions."

Giving only the occasional direction during filming—"I need you to suck on her tongue"—Axel deftly demonstrated what he was talking about.

We will say, however, that a big reason why we found the scene so satisfying was Lexxi's insane flexibility. If it wasn't for this girl's ability to contort and balance herself in almost any position imaginable, we probably would have been bored. As we can barely touch our toes, being in the presence of someone who can literally touch the back of their head with their lower digits is like watching a home-schooled kid spell. It's a talent we completely admire and are awed by, but don't have the enery to pursue. Regardless, we wouldn't want to play a game of Twister with Miss Tyler.

Actually, we probably would.

After finishing the scene, the girls exchanged the usual talent pleasantries. "I was dumping loads of spit on your asshole" Lexxi matter-of-factly said to Angel soon after getting dressed.

"I noticed" Angel sing-songed in response, probably thinking about her lost dog and the new niece or nephew that's on the way.

"Fucking Lesbians" will be hitting shevles in the next few months. Until then, you can quench your insatiable adult entertainment thirst with Lexxi Tyler and Angel Cassidy's film library, all available from Hustler Hollwood.

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