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VCA'S Holliday Find

VCA Pictures has uncovered files belonging to preeminent director Jim Holliday detailing his plans for future and unfinished projects. VCA is devoted to bringing Holliday's movies to life paying special attention and homage to his biggest themes and penchant for filming hot sex. VCA Pictures' first Holliday release will be an interpretation of the classic Eye Candy. This two disk set will include Jim Holliday's full-length original classic Eye Candy never before released on DVD.

After the passing of Jim Holliday, VCA had access to his former office which was laden with his archives, boxes of files, his computer records and photos. The bounty lay in storage for awhile until, on a reconnaissance mission, Wit Maverick stumbled upon a gold mine.

Said Maverick, "Some of Jim's files were clearly distinguished for future projects that he was unable to get to. The treasure trove included many handwritten notes on whatever he could find when an idea struck—from gum wrappers to napkins to notations in margins..."

Director Jim Holliday was known for his trademark all-white outfits, the moccasins he wore, designer shades, and an out-of-control smoking habit. He was also known for inspiring many in the industry, engendering great affection for his idiosyncratic ways.

Jim Holliday's notes were the frantic scribbles and chicken scratch of a genius trying to keep up with the speed of his thoughts. Much like the math genius, John Nash, whose numeric acuteness demanded to be explored on whatever surface was handy as the idea struck. John Nash may have in fact been an idol of Holliday's, whom often said his given name was Jack Nash connoting a shared genealogy with the mathematician. It has been revealed that Jack Nash is also a self given pseudonym further deepening the mystery.

VCA Pictures intends to pick up where Holliday left off resurrecting some of his most successful lines and following through on his truncated dreams using the riches of the files and notes he left behind as a guide. To give the future Holliday films the flare and authenticity they deserve, VCA will reach out to the people who knew him best, like Wit Maverick and Bill Margold—those who knew him as well as anyone could know a recluse like Jim Holliday.

It has been said that Jim Holliday was, "The High Priest of cheerleaders, sorority babes and nurses." VCA looks forward to doing right by the late Jim Holliday and is humbled by the opportunity to carry on the torch that has been left by this great director and bring his unmade films to life.

You can pick up your very own copy of Eye Candy from everybody's favorite online retailer, Hustler Hollywood.

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