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Savanna Sampson, Now With Political Opinions

Every now and again we receive a press release so asinine that we can't help but laugh. Today's come compliments of Vivid and Savanna Sampson. We're big fans of both the company and the star (her wine is fantastic), so it's not that we are looking for an excuse to criticize. It's just hard to fathom why Vivid would promote an interview where Ms. Sampson admits that she supports RUDOLPH fucking GIUILIANI in his run for presidency. The interview is actually a pretty decent read, but when Savana starts spelling out her politics, we smacked our head on our desk and said "no mas":

"I think Giuliani would confront the country's fear of terrorism. I think if any one can do it, he can."

Giuliani doesn't have the intellectual curiosity or wherewithal to do any such thing. He's a fear monger in the George W. Bush sense, the worst possible sense. He honestly believes that we were attacked on 9/11 because terrorists hate freedom and liberty. He doesn't believe our nation holds any culpability. During his presidential campaign effort, he's used the tragic event to capitalize on the fear and ignorance of the American public.

At a recent Republican debate, fellow presidential hopeful, Ron Paul, rightly took issue with this notion. Mr. Paul had the audacity to say that maybe American foreign policy had something to do with why we were attacked in 2001. And get this: When Giuliani asked him to apologize for being so bold as to think our actions pissed off another part of the world the audience actually applauded.


We're not saying that porn stars shouldn't be allowed to express their opinions freely. The fact that Savanna has an opinion about politics at all speaks volumes about her. We're just saying that maybe Vivid should think twice about publicizing the worst part of what really is a solid interview.

Also, Savanna should think about maybe supporting a candidate that isn't George W. with a New York accent.

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I've always liked Savanna, and now I like her even more. Her opinions on Rudy are visceral, from the heart. Who's the best guy to protect her kid from terrorists? To her, it's Rudy. He's a man of many faults (I should know; I worked for the guy). But there's no one out there who can do a better job of leading the US in this era. Hillary has solid abilities (and faults, too--who doesn't?); she's impressed me as Senator more than I'd expected. But I still prefer Rudy in the top post.

And perhaps just as meaningless as Savanna Sampson's political opinion is listning to this author, JoeJoe, express his views. Do not criticize someone and then do the same thing yourself. Your opinion means nothing and if you think you actually know what is going on in politics then you are mistaken. Just as you are mistaken on the thought that anyone who reads this actually cares about your thoughts on politics.

DJKob wrote: "you are mistaken...that anyone who reads this actually cares about your thoughts on politics"

Obviously, you care or you wouldn't have taken the time to respond. When you post something, though, try to stick to the issue. Do you have a problem with Giuliani's policies? Be specific. Also, try not to be redundant. You'll notice how I cut out "on the thought" from your quote because it made the sentence flabby. It's never too late to learn the basics of writing. Good luck.

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