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From the Magazine: Tara Reid Interview

If you believe the celebrity rags, Tara is an untamed Hollywood party legend. Riding that reputation, E!'s short-lived reality show, Taradise, followed Reid jet setting to the world's best parties. Now, with work offers drying up, the husky-voiced American Pie star is battling tabloid rumors that she's an alcoholic and drug addict. In this month's issue, HUSTLER contributing editor, Chauncé Hayden, sits down with Reid to discuss her paparazzi run-ins, her unintentional nude scene, and the reality behind the reality show.

HUSTLER: On Taradise, you and Paris Hilton partied on a yacht. What's it like partying with Paris?

Tara Reid: It's really no different than partying with anyone else. I'm sure you have a good friend that you party with, maybe not as famous. But to me she's the same girl that I've known since I was 14. We both knew each other when neither one of us were famous. Then we both got famous. Sometimes we'll look at each other and get a kick out of how our lives turned out and what we did. We'll say, "Wow, we did it! People are actually chasing us!"

The paparazzi weren't very kind after that now-infamous red carpet disaster where you were photographed with your one breast exposed.

That was different! That sucked! But how could they not take the picture? Know what I mean? I wish they had said, "No, we won't show it." But I'm sure someone made a million dollars from that picture.

Why would the media target you?

Think about it. Did Paris Hilton do porn videos? Nicole Richie did heroin and now they're great! Nicole has done some really bad things that I won't even go into it and look at them. They get nicely dressed again and everyone is nice to them. But what about me? What did I do wrong? I never did anything! I partied! I danced on a table. So that makes me a bad person? I don't get it. Our society is so messed up. What am I supposed to do, sit in my house and not go out, not do anything? That's not going to help me get a job either. I've just got to live my life. If I sit home and do nothing, I'll be depressed and it's going to be sad.

What is the biggest misconception about you?

I work really hard! I don't just party! I work with charities and I'm a huge family girl. I'm with my family every Sunday. I just bought my parents a house on the beach just three houses from mine. I'm sensitive and I care what people write about me. I don't like that they make me look like an idiot. I'm not an idiot! I'm smart. I'm a lot smarter than people realize. I've been doing this my whole life. I've been acting forever. I'm good at it. I just want to act again. I'm more than they're letting be. I need a chance. If I get that chance, people will see.

To read the interview in its entirety, pick up a copy of HUSTLER's April issue, on newsstands now.

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