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On The Set: Lust In Time

When our friends at Black and Blue Media told us about an upcoming Platinum Blue Productions shoot, we were excited to say the least. A relatively new company, Platinum Blue already has the adult industry taking notice. Building on the momentum of their 3 AVN award nominations in 2006, the production Lust in Time aims to solidify the company's standing in the adult world.

Shot in HD and filmed in Bel Aire, Lust in Time weaves together tales of people separated by loss and are now reunited by the energies that focus on one location, Hanson Manor.

As is our habit when attending shoots, we got lost on the way. "If the Fresh Prince can find Bel Aire", we grumbled to ourself, "than so can we." Thankfully, our trusty Thomas Guide was close at hand and within minutes we were walking through the kitchen of yet another gorgeous home that we could only afford if we marry into money.

One of the first people we encountered during our visit that day was the picture's director, Skye Blue. Wearing a jacket emblazoned with her company's logo (as it should be), she informed us, "The movies I've shot lately are on a shoestring budget. I stepped it up a notch and we're definitely shooting a feature."

Not only is Skye one of the most confident and assured director's we've seen work--she knows just how hard, how fast, and for how long she wants it--but the talent could offer nothing but praise. Often times, the qualities that make directors like Skye excel are the same qualities that cause grumbling from the cast and crew.

But complaints were few and far between that day. "I love Skye," gushed Cassie Cortland, "I love that she's a female director. I like to see her ideas and [her] views."

The mood on set was professional, but Ms. Blue kept the atmosphere jovial, keeping everyone happy and focused on making the best picture possible.

If the scene we witnessed between Brittaney Starr and Marco is any indication of the quality that this production aspires to, viewers will be in for a treat come June--the picture's tentative release date. The chemistry between these two was evident when Brittaney cutely whined, "No..." when Skye asked Marco to put his underwear back on so they could shoot some softcore footage. The director led the two temporary lovers through their paces, having them in positions that would seemingly defy the laws of physics (Editor's Note: We never liked Newton's theories anyway). Over an hour later, the action culminated in a crescendo of moaning, thrusting, sweating and panting. The only way a great scene should end.

Unfortunately, familial obligations kept us from watching the scene between Tiffany Taylor and Van Dammage filmed later on that day. But, if their scene was remotely close to Brittaney and Marco's, we'll be impatiently waiting for the film to hit shelves.

Lust in Time also features: Carrie Ann, Brittney Skye, Lindsey, Shanna Steele, and Nick East.

Take a look at other Platinum Blue productions, available from Hustler Hollywood.

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