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Katee Holmes Angers the 'Tologists, Ready To Shoot The Loss of Her Virginity

If you haven't been keeping up with your gossip by reading TMZ (third item) or Page Six, you might be unaware that a new performer with the name of Katee Holmes has made quite an impression in the short time since she announced her entry into the business that is adult.

First, there's that name thing. While the 18-year-old may be labeling the decision to name herself after Tom Cruise's alien bride "a tribute to Katie's innocence", the people representing the worst part of Batman Begins think otherwise. Calling it "a really cheap shot" and "kind of sleazy", members of Katie's camp don't seem too enthusiastic about the young starlet's nom de porn. Whatever. It's hard to take the people supporting Katie seriously. Remember, they're scientologists. You're in no position to judge anyone when you believe that:

"75 million years ago an evil galactic ruler, named Xenu, solved overpopulation by bringing trillions of people to Earth in DC-8 space planes, stacking them around volcanoes and nuking them. Then the souls of these dead space aliens were captured and boxed up and taken to cinemas where they were shown films of what life should be like, false ideas containing God, the devil and Christ and told to get ill.

After that they supposedly clustered together and now inhabit our bodies. Scientologists believe that if they rid themselves of these body thetans then they will be healthier and will gain special powers like mind-over-matter." (Taken from "What Do Scientologists Believe")

So...fuck 'em. They can't take a joke.

But we must give credit where credit is due: The weekly brunch at the Celebrity Center in Hollywood is fucking fantastic. If you ever get the chance to go, we highly recommend it. We're not sure, but we think the motto is "Come for the fritatas, stay for the brainwashing!"

Anywho, the really interesting thing about that Katee is that the small-town girl (Editor's Note: Livin' in a lonely wooooorld.) is reportedly still in possession of her hymen. We were unaware of the existence of female virgins over the age of 14 living in the United States, so this took us by surprise.

When we found out she planned on turning over her V Card in front of a camera, we were a little grossed out. Call us old-fashioned, but we believe people should lose their virginity in the back of their parents' sensible, mid-sized car on prom night. It wasn't until Megan Stokes from Shane's World, the production company filming Katee losing her innocence, told us she initially shared our reservations that we changed our tune. "At first I thought it was totally fucked up and was like 'Wow! have we lost our minds and turned totally cold!'" she said. "Then I talked with her...She seems like she is doing it so she can be in total control. If we thought she was on drugs...we would have passed."

Katee herself echoed that sentiment when speaking with Page Six: "I know it's pretty extreme to lose my virginity on camera, but I like the fulfillment and excitement I get from watching porn, so I figured [a movie] was the best place for me to lose it. How many people wished they could relive their first experience, if not to remember it but to learn from it, right?"

The premise of the title featuring Katee will be a true documentary according to Shane's World. It will showcase her sexual journey and give a chance for everyone to get to know her. Shane's World is filming the whole process of Katee picking her costars, getting to know them and of course her actual sexual experiences. It will be called True Diary: I'm a Virgin.

We wish Katee all the best during her travels in the wonderful world of pornography.

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